
Rowdy and I celebrated our fourteen-year anniversary by going whale watching in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary!

These are fin whales, the second largest animal in existence*, and the guide told us it’s rare for them to spend long at the surface and also rare for them to travel in groups, so we were very lucky to have a pair of them hang out by our boat for about fifteen minutes.

The lighthouses are the Eastern Point Light and one of the Thacher Island Twin Lights; both date to the mid-1800s.

I know this post isn’t a long passionate essay about sexuality or really anything much beyond “what I did on my summer vacation,” but that’s intentional; I want to stop crushing myself with perfectionism and get back to a more personal, whimsical style of blogging. I want to stop inhibiting myself up with “but will it sell?” “will the audience be dissatisfied?” “does it fit my brand?” capitalism brain and just post the things that are interesting to me. This is my home, and you are welcome here as a guest, not a customer.

*It is possible that fin whales are the second largest animal ever to exist, but the science of large sauropods has a lot of speculation and assumptions and then there’s the whole thing where Maraapunisaurus fragilimus might have been absurdly large but the only evidence for it is drawings and measurements of a partial vertebra which has since disappeared. So that’s kind of a question mark. Anyway, fin whales are big.

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2 responses to “Whales.”

  1. M: Man, you ain’t getting paid for this! YOU HAVE A JOB. The fuck you need to act like this is some intense Mr. Beast hustle??? Brands are for CORPORATIONS, not people!

    (It’s us, the Twilight movie cosplayers you went with years back. Using the screenname we used on your blog the first time around!)

  2. Thulcandran Avatar

    Whales!!! Congratulations to you and Rowdy!! I’m really glad the Great Lakes act more like oceans than lakes, and I know they have things that can kill me, but I do miss the possibility of whales that oceans come with.