Author: Cliff Pervocracy
Kink At Pride.
Content notes: insufferable discourse, public humiliation, reluctance (insincere) “Say the words, boy,” Tom purred in my ear. He stood behind me, the whole of his body pressing against mine. I was wearing a leather chest harness, and he used it to hold me close, against the heat of his bare chest. We were both sweating…
An Exploration Of Dinosaur-Themed Sex Toys.
These are not endorsements; I cannot guarantee the safety of these toys nor the reputation of the vendors. I’m sorry but I am simply not going to chase down the evilogues on every dinosaur dick merchant on Earth. Please do your own research before purchasing a Tyrannosaurus penis. “Stegosaurus Spiky Reptile Silicone Dildo” by Creature…
Rowdy and I celebrated our fourteen-year anniversary by going whale watching in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary! These are fin whales, the second largest animal in existence*, and the guide told us it’s rare for them to spend long at the surface and also rare for them to travel in groups, so we were…
My Top Ten Bucket List Coasters
Okay, this is not going to be as “actually, I’m putting tons of effort into the ‘trash post’, gotcha” as yesterday. This is just me making myself write something today. I’m tired. — During the initial COVID shutdowns of spring 2020, I started getting into roller coasters. This was not great timing. I watched a…
The Ethically Messy World of Texas Exotic Game Ranches
The Père David’s deer, or milu, is a large deer from China with uniquely forked antlers, a shaggy reddish coat, and a habit of grazing on aquatic plants in wetlands. It went extinct in the wild in the year 1900; the last remaining herd belonged to the Emperor, and during the Boxer Rebellion, German soldiers…
Three Medical Stories Without Explanations
All three of these are second-hand, two are from people I know to be unreliable narrators, and the simplest explanation for all of them is “they were making it up.” But all three have been bothering me for a while, just because they could be true. When she was in her twenties, a relative of…
Mission Statement
okay! it’s working! I officially have a sideblog! this is going to be where I can post just anything that interests me and no one can stop me!
What Ought A Woman?
Freedom from expectations that depend upon your ovary/testicle status is a human right. Trans people’s exercise of that right is not a special case.